ORION M&A is the result of an association between former CEO’s of technology companies in Europe and in the USA. They wish to share their experience with executives in need of advice and actual guidance regarding their company growth strategies.
We focus on software companies, IT jobs and e-business.
We are specialists of M&A transactions as we managed them in the best US firms and because we have been through them as executives. We are not wasting our energy on other activities.
ORION M&A is present both in Europe and in the USA (West Coast), and thus reflects the reality of an international market and a research ability as relevant as possible.
Seasoned Managers

Jèrôme Fougerat
Senior PartnerJérôme Fougerat founds ORION M&A in 2010.
He has got a 15-year experience as an executive in the software industry, and as an advisor in M&A and shareholders’ equity transactions.
Before founding ORION M&A, Jérôme has been a Regional Director for 4 years at Corum Group International, the world leader of M&As for tech companies. He has led international transactions in various software fields.
Jérôme’s entrepreneurial and IT management career began in the mid-1990’s when he co-founded Solsoft, an IT services company for Telcos and large banks. In order to develop Sosoft, he raised over €20 millions from international top tier VCs. He then established the company in California in 1998. Solsoft sold its solutions to more than 50 of the world’s Fortune 500 companies.
In 2001, he co-founded Tribelt, an IT security services company. He then joined NetSecureOne in late 2002, which was the merger of Zencod and NetSecure Software. In 2006, he joined Delia Systems as VP Sales and Marketing. PARLER DE CORUM?
Jérôme began his career in financial journalism (as Capital Finance’s editor). He then joined the investment firm Renovaction (Rockefeller Foundation’s investment vehicle in France).
Jérôme holds an Executive MBA from HEC, as well as degrees in History and English.

Yvon Corcia
Senior PartnerYvon Corcia is a co-founder of ORION M&A.
He’s got a 15-year experience as a founder/investor in the software publishing business, as well as a Marketing Director of large software publishing firms. He has a strong experience in company growth financing and M&A transactions.
Yvon started as an engineer for the CNET (France Telecom R&D’s lab). He then joined Thales A&S to manage software development teams, to run information systems, and to create a joint venture in Moscow.
In 1992, he founded WIN technology international, a PDM software company that he divested in 1997. He then became Marketing Director for Dassault System’s PDM section. In 1999, he created Aladdino, leading provider in mobile applications and e-business on PDAs and smart phones, which he ran until 2003. He then became Marketing Director and Strategy at SAP France. He took over DELIA Systems in 2005. After its downturn, he organized its merger with Magellan Ingénierie and its listing on the Paris Market under the name Opti-Time. ???
Since 2008, Yvon has worked as a consultant in M&A transactions and in Interim management. He has for instance intervened at Pixmania, and M&A e-business firms.
Yvon is a graduate engineer from INSA and holds an Executive MBA from HEC Paris

Marshall Warwaruk
Senior PartnerMarshall is a Co-founder of ORION M&A.
He has over 20 years of experience as a software publisher executive, as well as a Marketing and Sells Director in the USA. He has a strong experience in the development business, in company growth financing and in M&A transactions.
Before founding DMI Consulting Group, the sister company of ORION M&A in the USA, Marshall worked as Operational VP at Corum Group, which is the global leader in M&A services for unquoted medium sized software publishers and IT services.
For more than 12 years, he has represented both buyer and sellers, guiding them through the planning and execution process of deal making. He also intervened as a speaker in several industry conferences, and he has published numerous important articles dealing with the M&A market trends, negotiations and strategic deal making in the IT software and services industries.
Before he joined Corum’s team, Marshall spent 9 years as the Director of Strategic Development at Sterling Software and OnTrack Data International where he was responsible for strategic development and acquisitions. He started his career in sales and marketing at Cognos as the head of US product sales in the US.
With more than 30 years of experience in the software industry and IT services, Marshall has served as the CEO of several software publishers. Thanks to his knowledge of finances, techniques and management, Marshall helped SMB software companies conquest their market, optimize their distribution channels until their strategic rapprochement or their IPO.